Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Red Sox are toast ...

See, this is why I don't like making predictions ...especially for a 162-game season. I know 40 games seems like a small sample size, but it is 25% of the schedule. Anyone who has watched the 2010 Red Sox play knows this team is toast. There simply is something missing. I can't quite put my finger on it. Outside of the glaring holes (offense, bullpen, inconsistent starting pitching, etc), this version of the Red Sox is not good. They are becoming unlikeable and unwatchable.

Last month, I predicted the Red Sox would win 93-96 games and win the AL East and go on to win the World Series. May I have a do over?? Lets review my comments shall we? "We must embrace the era of run prevention. The Red Sox are going to be there in the end. They're a 93-96 win type of team. They'll compete for the division title with the Yankees and the Rays. Their defense and pitching will be superior to majority of the league." Seriously Mike? Seriously?

Run prevention? More like run assistance. Teams are scoring at will on the Sox. They are last in the AL in runs allowed. That's borderline co-ed softball league material folks. For what we all thought was a strength (pitching), it sure looks like a weakness at the moment. The starters have been maddening. Josh Beckett, at last check, had an ERA over 7.00. 7!!! John Lackey has not put it all together yet. Daisuke ...gross. Lester struggled out of the gate ...again. Buchholz at least has been good. He's kept the team in every game he's pitched. The bullpen quite frankly sucks right now. Can the old Jonathan Papelbon please stand up? That performance in Yankee stadium last night was downright disgusting.

The Red Sox are going to be there in the end. No they won't. Not unless David Ortiz from 2004 shows up. Not unless Josh Beckett actually pitches like he's a $68M player. Not unless Adrian Beltre decides to play some defense (and hit a few homeruns). Not unless ...not unless ...not unless. See a pattern developing here?

They're a 93-96 win type of team. Good lord, more like a 83-86 win type of team. They need to get their act together or they'll be fighting with the Jays for third place come September.

They'll compete for the division title with the Yankees and the Rays. HA, wow Mike you nailed this one. The Yanks and Rays are so far superior to the Red Sox right now it's not even funny. The Rays are for real. They do EVERYTHING well. They pitch, they hit, the run, they play defense. Solid, solid team. I could easily see them winning rings come October. They are quite scary.

Their defense and pitching will be superior to majority of the league. This hurts. The Red Sox were built around pitching and defense. On the surface, not a bad idea. You win in October with these two key elements. Very rarely do teams slug their way to a title. The Sox pitching has been inconsistent and their defense has been terrible. Joe Maddon called Adrian Beltre the best 3rd basemen he has ever seen. He already has 7 errors and we haven't even made it to Memorial Day.

As a diehard Red Sox fan, I am usually the king of the rose colored glasses. I'm finding it harder and harder as we move along to root for this team. They appear to be a poorly assembled team loaded with a few costly and past their prime veterans. The Red Sox still have talent ...Youkilis, Pedroia, Ellsbury, Lester, Buchholz, etc etc. They must move quickly here or else they'll be out of the race before Memorial Day. Scary thought.

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