Monday, December 28, 2009

Indianapolis Colts = Loser Mentality

You want to know why the Colts, although winning more games than anyone in the NFL over a 10 year span (115), have only won 1 Super Bowl during this time frame? Look no further than what just happened at Lucas Oil Stadium against the New York Jets. With a perfect season staring them square in the face, the Indianapolis Colts decide to mail it in. With a cushy 15-10 lead in the 3rd quarter, out comes Peyton Manning, Reggie Wayne and the rest of the Colts regulars. WITH A PERFECT SEASON IN REACH, THEY TAKE OUT THEIR BEST PLAYERS? FOR EXTRA REST? PLEASE!

Only 1 team in the history of the NFL has ever gone an entire season undefeated - the 1972 Miami Dolphins still stand the test of time. They went a perfect 17-0. Of course, that record almost fell in 2007 when the New England Patriots fell 2+ minutes short of 19-0. Add the Colts to the long list of teams who came close, but in the end fell short for various reasons.

In the case of the 2009 Colts, new head coach Jim Caldwell decided to put the "bigger picture" before all else. He thought it best, in the long term, for his players to receive the rest they need and he thought they deserved. Never mind the fact the Colts have wrapped up home field advantage and a first round bye. That's right - a bye week. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't coaches typically rest up guys during a bye week? I don't understand. The only "bigger picture" being painted in Indianapolis is "Welcome to Loserville".

I don't care what some of the so called experts say (perhaps they are Peyton loyalists), sitting out the Jets game showcased an utter loser mentality. Haven't the Colts learned their lesson? In two previous seasons, when they were faced with similar decisions (play or sit?), they decided to sit their guys. In the end, it came back to bite them in the form of a 1st round playoff loss and another wasted season.

With so much to play for - NFL history, personal pride and accomplishment, and the respect of your players - Jim Caldwell, head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, took the loser approach. With one of the greatest quarterbacks in the prime of his career, why continue to waste successful seasons? Take a page out of the 2007 Patriots playbook - play for history and go for it all. You never know how many chances you'll have.

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