Wednesday, November 18, 2009

4th and 2 ...

This topic has been chewed up and spit out amongst everyone from national sportswriters to local newscasters to neighborhood friends. I, for one, have had enough of the second guessing that has come easy for those who appear eager to jump all over Bill Belichick. My how quickly we forget the successes of Patriots past. I guess we really do live in a "what have you done for me lately" sports world. 4th and 2 has apparantly jumped into the same negative context as (GULP) Bill Buckner and Bucky "Bleapin" Dent.

Let me state this as clear as I can - I loved the call. I know I am in the minority. This goes well beyond the standard "In Bill We Trust" mantra - and trust me, I'm a card carrying member of that club. As an avid sports fan, you tend to see patterns and trends developing in front of your eyes. On Sunday night, there were two things developing -- first, the Pats defense appeared to be gased (remember they were already without Ty Warren on the D-Line and also had lost Tully Banta-Cain during the game) and second, Peyton Manning appeared to be in a rhythm. Not a good combination ...and Bill knew it. Don't you remember the last time a Tom Brady led team went into Indianapolis and held a big league?? He could see it happening all over again.

So we come to the decision and why I love the call. You have the games best QB. You have the games best WR tandem. You have an offense that can pick up 2 yards in their sleep. You have a defense that is gased. Most importantly, you have an opposing QB who was going to take the ball down the field no matter where you gave him the ball -- whether it be at the Pats 28 or the Colts 28. So the decision was made to win the game right then and there.

Lets forget the pundits who state "he disrespected his defense" ..."if I were a member of the defense, I'd feel a lack of respect". PLEASE! If anyone out there does not believe Bill puts his team in the best position to win every week, then you clearly are insane (perhaps you just do in fact have it in for him). He makes all these decisions weeks, if not months, in advance. He's the most prepared coach in the league. I can guarantee you that this specific instance was talked about and prepared for prior to the game. If this same situation comes up again down the road, I believe he would not hesitate to make the same call.

I'll state it again - I loved the call. If that makes me a pom-pom waving, card carrying member of all-things Patriots fan club, then I'll wave away. I have trust in the coach and have trust in his team to execute. Sometimes, just because they make an aggressive call it does not mean you have to find the nearest bridge to jump off of! In Bill I Trust ...he does whatever is necessary to allow his team the best chance at winning week in and week out. Would you rather have Bob Kraft fire Bill and re-hire Rod Rust? I'm sure he's available ...

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